Raising Dust for Dollars

There is something quite special about Integrity Motor Yacht owners. They are joyous, social and generous. No more so than Dr Stephen Herriott who is raising funds for the Endeavour Foundation and their quest to support young people with a disability to live full lives. Integrity Motor Yachts is proud to be supporting him in his efforts and will match your contributions, up to a total of $5000, to his campaign. Together, we can get him to his goal.
Boating in Queensland lockdown

Stuck in lockdown in SE Queensland? Tempting as it may be to get out on the water for a spot of fishing, the BIA and Queensland Water Police have advised the 10km limit from your home includes the water stating ‘you should not go fishing unless you can demonstrate that it is absolutely necessary to obtain essential food and that you can do so within a 10km radius from your home.
Introducing Daniel Jackson

The Integrity Motor Yachts team would like to welcome Daniel Jackson to our team. Daniel has had a lifetime of boating experience, both professionally and personally, including working with major brands in a customer service role. He now brings that expertise to the Integrity Motor Yachts assisting owners with their requirements.
WIN with Your Best Shot

Have you got the best photo of your integrity out on the water? Send us your favourite Integrity photos and you stand a chance to win a bottle of Bollinger Champagne to enjoy on your Integrity.
Find us at Runaway Bay

After nearly 10 years at Sanctuary Cove, Integrity Motor Yachts is on the move…..to Runaway Bay Marina.
Extended 2 Year Warranty

You may have heard about our Integrity Advantages, a series of attributes and benefits of the Integrity Motor Yacht Range which makes them market-leading in their class.
Join the Integrity Owner Group on Facebook

Calling all Integrity Owners, why not join our newly formed Facebook Group. It’s your chance to post photos and updates of your Integrity as well meet new owners and hear the latest from the team.
Discover the Brisbane River

Integrity Motor Yachts is planning an owners’ rendezvous later in the year led by the Integrity and Spectrum team and we would love you to join us.