Calling all Integrity owners!
We have just announced an Integrity Moreton Bay Getaway taking in the very best anchorages. The six-day itinerary stretches from the Gold Coast’s Broadwater up to Moreton Island and is all about meeting fellow Integrity owners and having fun, but with the benefit of the Integrity Sanctuary Cove Team being your hosts and the navigating done by our lead skipper.
There is nothing greater than getting out on the water to discover new anchorages, forge new friendships, and leave the rigours of modern life in the boat’s wake. So, we are inviting Integrity owners to join us from the 8 to 13 October 2020 to discover the Broadwater, Stradbroke Islands Moreton Bay and Moreton Island.
Starting on Thursday 8 October at the entrance of the Coomera River, the group with cruise up to Southport Yacht Club’s Dux anchorage. Over the next six days, the itinerary will take in Blakesleys on North Stradbroke and the famed Moreton Island anchorage, Days Gutter at Kooringal. Only accessible in certain tides, Kooringal is a paradise known only to locals. And the beachside bar isn’t too bad either. The tour finishes on Tuesday 13 October 2020 at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron’s Canaipa Clubhouse on Russell Island.
There will be plenty of social activities, beach parties, friendly games of Finska and genuinely good prizes for the winning team. But it all about the Integrity comradery! View the full itinerary here or contact Brendon Symons on or Bruce Scott on to register your interest.